Cylinder Object
Default `0`. x-coordinate of the center of the cylinder
Default `0`. y-coordinate of the center of the cylinder
Default `0`. z-coordinate of the center of the cylinder
Default `1`. Radius of the cylinder.
Default `1`. Length of the cylinder.
Default `0`. Minimum angle around the segment.
Default `360`. Maximum angle around the segment.
Default diffuse
.The material, called from one of the material
functions diffuse
, metal
, or dielectric
Default `c(0, 0, 0)`. Angle of rotation around the x, y, and z axes, applied in the order specified in `order_rotation`.
Default `c(1, 2, 3)`. The order to apply the rotations, referring to "x", "y", and "z".
Default `FALSE`. Whether to flip the normals.
Default `c(1, 1, 1)`. Scale transformation in the x, y, and z directions. If this is a single value, number, the object will be scaled uniformly.
Default `TRUE`. Whether to add caps to the segment. Turned off when using the `light()` material. Note: emissive objects may not currently function correctly when scaled.
Single row of a tibble describing the cylinder in the scene.
#Generate a cylinder in the cornell box. Add a cap to both ends.
if(run_documentation()) {
generate_cornell() %>%
add_object(cylinder(x = 555/2, y = 250, z = 555/2,
length = 300, radius = 100, material = metal())) %>%
render_scene(lookfrom = c(278, 278, -800) ,lookat = c(278, 278, 0), fov = 40,
ambient_light = FALSE, samples = 16, parallel = TRUE, clamp_value = 5)
#Rotate the cylinder
if(run_documentation()) {
generate_cornell() %>%
add_object(cylinder(x = 555/2, y = 250, z = 555/2,
length = 300, radius = 100, angle = c(0, 0, 45),
material = diffuse())) %>%
render_scene(lookfrom = c(278, 278, -800) ,lookat = c(278, 278, 0), fov = 40,
ambient_light = FALSE, samples = 16, parallel = TRUE, clamp_value = 5)
# Only render a subtended arc of the cylinder, flipping the normals.
if(run_documentation()) {
generate_cornell(lightintensity=3) %>%
add_object(cylinder(x = 555/2, y = 250, z = 555/2, capped = FALSE,
length = 300, radius = 100, angle = c(45, 0, 0), phi_min = 0, phi_max = 180,
material = diffuse(), flipped = TRUE)) %>%
render_scene(lookfrom = c(278, 278, -800) ,lookat = c(278, 278, 0), fov = 40,
ambient_light = FALSE, samples = 16, parallel = TRUE, clamp_value = 5)