ObjectsFunctions for generating objects to add to scenes |
Sphere Object |
Cube Object |
Rectangular XY Plane Object |
Rectangular XZ Plane Object |
Rectangular YZ Plane Object |
Generate Cornell Box |
Generate Ground |
Generate Studio |
Segment Object |
Cylinder Object |
Triangle Object |
Ellipsoid Object |
Disk Object |
`obj` File Object |
`ply` File Object |
`mesh3d` model |
Cone Object |
Arrow Object |
Extruded Path Object |
Extruded Polygon Object |
Bezier Curve Object |
Path Object |
Pig Object |
Text Object |
Constructive Solid Geometry Object |
R 3D Model |
`raymesh` model |
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) InterfaceFunctions to model and build objects using CSG |
CSG Box |
CSG Capsule |
CSG Combine |
CSG Cone |
CSG Cylinder |
CSG Ellipsoid |
CSG Elongate |
CSG Group |
Constructive Solid Geometry Object |
CSG Onion |
CSG Plane |
CSG Pyramid |
CSG Rotate |
CSG Round |
CSG Rounded Cone |
CSG Scale |
CSG Sphere |
CSG Torus |
CSG Translate |
CSG Triangle |
MaterialsFunctions to specify the visual properties of objects |
Diffuse Material |
Metallic Material |
Dielectric (glass) Material |
Microfacet Material |
Glossy Material |
Light Material |
Hair Material |
Lambertian Material (deprecated) |
Set Material for All Objects |
Composing ScenesFunction for adding objects together to form a scene. |
Add Object |
Group Objects |
Create Instances of an Object |
Animating ScenesFunction for animating objects or the camera through a scene. |
Get Saved Keyframes |
Generate Camera Movement |
Animate Objects |
Render Raytraced SceneFunction to render the current scene. |
Render Animation |
Render Ambient Occlusion |
Render Preview |
Render Scene |
pkgdown utilsInternal but must be exported to meet CRAN guidelines |
Run Documentation |